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Everett J. Eaton

Phone number: EXEMPT

E-Mail: Exempt

Birthday: EXEMPT

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This subject has always been interesting to me; however, it is more of the concepts and the idea side of it than the mathematical proofs that are required for it.  I am interested in this, because of the inexplicable need for people to understand what is around them, whether it be through religion, science or some other explanation of why things are the way they are. I really enjoy learning about the unknown, because it allows me to make my own observations and come to a conclusion on my own. In my essay, I probably will include some of my own guesses on unknown areas of the fields; however, I will specify what is my own original ideas, because they are probably going to be very wrong in reality and I do not want to detract from actual fact. I know only what I have read in Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time which can only be summed up by individual section. All I can say is even for Stephen Hawking explaining the content like the reader is five, It is still hard to understand and wrap your head around. A Brief History of Time answered my scientific questions about what goes on on the microscopic level very well. It is said that you only know your field of study well if you can explain it to someone who has no prior knowledge in a way that they can understand. This is exactly what Stephen Hawking did. He was able to explain the two slit experiment with ease, and he was able to explain particle duality without a hickup. My questions about if teleportation is morally right, if computers that are more smart and fast than anything that has ever been created before, and communication that can instantaneously travel across the universe. This I will have to discover for myself, and I believe that after researching this I can come to a conclusion on each of them and more.

Imagine expressways in the sky, teleportation devices that can rearrange your molecular structure and transport it to another tangible site, create a computer that is faster, more powerful and has more storage than any other device, or on the flipside a weapon that could be used like a laser but instead of light it shoots a beam of microwave radiation that can literally burn a hole through a wall. All of these inventions could be amazingly beneficial, because of the efficiency of the products, the purity of the energy which will in turn make it more environmentally friendly than nuclear power, and how it could potentially make it so that we could colonize and sustainably inhabit another planet. There is however, always a flipside to progress: the weaponised aspect of it.

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