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Everett J. Eaton

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The ambiguity of quantum science seems to unfortunately has no real answer as to the morality it in its entirety. Each individual case is so very different in it’s own way that one quantum invention may be morally fine for the masses to utilize, while another may be more questionable. There are inventions such as the quantum computer that does not have many moral dilemmas if any at all, and then there are inventions such as a teleportation device. With an invention such as this, one has to question if the physical properties of a person is what makes them a person, or is it the memories and their personalities that makes them people. This may not be the only dilemma of this kind of invention. Should this be brought to the general public or for government use only? The invention may not be evil but the hands that it is in may be.


What I have come to the conclusion of is that it is not needed; however, other countries will begin producing them and using them in states of conflict. I personally would not like the US to be left exposed in the event we would need to use them as well. It may be preventative in my mind, but not realizing that the possibility of the US taking the first step and using them in armed conflict first is a real possibility. Of course I do think that it is worth the gamble of the US being the first ones to use them. Within all of the inventions we know of in quantum mechanics, each invention; I have found, has a case by case morality to it. Some are questionable, some are fine, and other probably should not be used or made into a tangible object.


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